Cypress Dev Environment Setup

February 07, 2020

Set up Cypress in your Dev Environment

Install Cypress

cd /your/project/path
npm install -D cypress

Triple slash directives

// type definitions for Cypress object "cy"
/// <reference types="Cypress" />

The simplest way to see IntelliSense when typing a Cypress command or assertion is to add a triple-slash directive to the head of your JavaScript or TypeScript testing file. This will turn the IntelliSense on a per file basis.

a /// directive declares a dependency on a package. The process of resolving these package names is similar to the process of resolving module names in an import statement. An easy way to think of triple-slash-reference-types directives are as an import for declaration packages.

Reference type declarations via jsconfig

  "include": [

Instead of adding triple slash directives to each JavaScript spec file, some IDEs (like VS Code) understand a common jsconfig.json file in the root of the project. In that file, you can include the Cypress module and your test folders.

Reference type declarations via tsconfig

  "compilerOptions": {
    "allowJs": true,
    "baseUrl": "../node_modules",
    "types": [
  "include": [

Adding a tsconfig.json inside your cypress folder with the configuration should get intelligent code completion working.

Set up in VSCode

To set up in Visual Studio Code you can open Preferences / Settings / User Settings and add the json.schemas property. Make sure to replace cypress.json with your configuration file if not the default.

  "json.schemas": [
      "fileMatch": [
      "url": ""


    "baseUrl": "http://localhost:5000", 