How to build and deploy websites using Netlify

January 06, 2020

Netlify helps developers quickly roll out static websites. In this in-depth Netlify course for beginners, you will learn how to use the service for everything needed in modern web development, from local setup to global deployment. This video is the perfect place to start for anyone that wants to learn how to use Netlify.

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (00:03:42) Part 1: 🗺️ Netlify Edge
⌨️ (00:37:15) Part 2: ⚒️ Netlify Build
⌨️ (01:02:02) Part 3: 👩🏼‍💻 Netlify Dev
⌨️ (01:24:17) Part 4: 🗒️ Netlify Forms
⌨️ (01:55:21) Part 5: 🆔 Netlify Identity
⌨️ (02:34:07) Part 6: ✍️ NetlifyCMS
⌨️ (02:59:53) Part 7: ➕ Netlify Addons: Everything Else!
⌨️ (03:18:18) Part 8: 🍻 Netlify API
⌨️ (03:25:39) Part 9: ❓ Learn More

Detailed Notes and References

Deploy and Scale is much easier with JAMStack approach.

Part 1 Notes

npm install -g netlify-cli
netlify status
netlify login
netlify deploy // or ntl deploy
netlify deploy --prod

netlify.toml file based configuration : In addition to using the Netlify UI to configure build settings, deploy settings, and environment variables, you can also configure these settings in a netlify.toml file stored in the root of your site repository.

.netlify : stores the siteId linked to this folder. Should be included in .gitignore file.

git init
git add .
git commit -m "messages"

Create a new Repository on Github & Copy the RepoURL

git remote add origin RepoURL
git remote -v
git push origin master

Build hooks can be used to set up cron jobs (ex: Zapier) to kick off the build & deployment.

git checkout -b newFeature
git add .
git commit -m "messages"
git push origin newFeature

Open a pull request on Github -> Create pull request -> Merge pull request

git cheatsheet

Part 2 Notes

netlify.toml sets the build & deploy settings.

Build troubleshooting tips

Netlify community

Environment Variables

Part 3 Notes

npm install netlify-cli -g

Start Netlify dev

netlify dev

1:12:00 netlify functions:create

Locally Testing Functions with netlify functions:invoke

1:17:00 netlify functions:invoke

netlify functions:invoke allows you to locally test functions going above and beyond a simple GET request in browser. (we only model POSTs now but could easily expand from here).

If you have Netlify Dev running your functions, you can then test sending payloads of data, or authentication payloads:

with prompting
netlify functions:invoke # we will prompt you at each step
netlify functions:invoke myfunction # invoke a specific function
netlify functions:invoke --name myfunction # invoke a specific function

no prompting (good for CI)
netlify functions:invoke --name myfunction --identity # invoke a specific function with netlify identity headers
netlify functions:invoke --name myfunction --no-identity # invoke a specific function without netlify identity headers

sending payloads
netlify functions:invoke myfunction --payload '{"foo": 1}'
netlify functions:invoke myfunction --querystring "foo=1"
netlify functions:invoke myfunction --payload "./pathTo.json"

netlify-lambda helps to install dependencies and build from source to distribution files.