Using Gatsby with axios

December 10, 2019

Gatsby without GraphQL

It’s also possible to use an “unstructured data” approach in Gatsby sites, no GraphQL required. For our purposes here, “unstructured data” means data “handled outside of Gatsby’s data layer” (we’re using the data directly, and not transforming the data into Gatsby nodes).

Fetch data and use Gatsby’s createPages API

In your Gatsby project’s gatsby-node.js file, fetch the needed data, and supply it to the createPage action within the createPages API:

// gatsby-node.js
const axios = require('axios');

const get = endpoint => axios.get(`${endpoint}`);

const getPokemonData = names =>
  Promise.all( name => {
      const { data: pokemon } = await get(`/pokemon/${name}`);
      const abilities = await Promise.all( ({ ability: { name: abilityName } }) => {
          const { data: ability } = await get(`/ability/${abilityName}`);

          return ability;

      return { ...pokemon, abilities };

exports.createPages = async ({ actions: { createPage } }) => {
  const allPokemon = await getPokemonData(['pikachu', 'charizard', 'squirtle']);

  // Create a page that lists all Pokémon.
    path: `/`,
    component: require.resolve('./src/templates/all-pokemon.js'),
    context: { allPokemon }

  // Create a page for each Pokémon.
  allPokemon.forEach(pokemon => {
      path: `/pokemon/${}/`,
      component: require.resolve('./src/templates/pokemon.js'),
      context: { pokemon }

    // Create a page for each ability of the current Pokémon.
    pokemon.abilities.forEach(ability => {
        path: `/pokemon/${}/ability/${}/`,
        component: require.resolve('./src/templates/ability.js'),
        context: { pokemon, ability }

full repo on github