Gatsby Image Props
December 15, 2019
After you’ve made a query, you can pass additional options to the gatsby-image component.
Name | Type | Description |
fixed | object | Data returned from the fixed query |
fluid | object | Data returned from the fluid query |
fadeIn | bool | Defaults to fading in the image on load |
durationFadeIn | number | fade-in duration is set up to 500ms by default |
title | string | Passed to the rendered HTML img element |
alt | string | Passed to the rendered HTML img element. Defaults to an empty string, e.g. alt="" |
crossOrigin | string | Passed to the rendered HTML img element |
className | string / object | Passed to the wrapper element. Object is needed to support Glamor’s css prop |
style | object | Spread into the default styles of the wrapper element |
imgStyle | object | Spread into the default styles of the actual img element |
placeholderStyle | object | Spread into the default styles of the placeholder img element |
placeholderClassName | string | A class that is passed to the placeholder img element |
backgroundColor | string / bool | Set a colored background placeholder. If true, uses “lightgray” for the color. You can also pass in any valid color string. |
onLoad | func | A callback that is called when the full-size image has loaded. |
onStartLoad | func | A callback that is called when the full-size image starts loading, it gets the parameter { wasCached: |
onError | func | A callback that is called when the image fails to load. |
Tag | string | Which HTML tag to use for wrapping elements. Defaults to div. |
objectFit | string | Passed to the object-fit-images polyfill when importing from gatsby-image/withIEPolyfill. Defaults to cover. |
objectPosition | string | Passed to the object-fit-images polyfill when importing from gatsby-image/withIEPolyfill. Defaults to 50% 50%. |
loading | string | Set the browser’s native lazy loading attribute. One of lazy, eager or auto. Defaults to lazy. |
critical | bool | Opt-out of lazy-loading behavior. Defaults to false. Deprecated, use loading instead. |
Here are some usage examples:
alt="Cat taking up an entire chair"
placeholderStyle={{ `backgroundColor`: `black` }}
onLoad={() => {
// do loading stuff
onStartLoad={({ wasCached }) => {
// do stuff on start of loading
// optionally with the wasCached boolean parameter
onError={(error) => {
// do error stuff